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Hybrid Grid System

The Hybrid Grid Backup System is the most effective system for locations with daily power shortages.

Solar On-Grid Systems with back up batteries are the ideal solution to reduce your electricity bill and to cover for frequent power cuts. They include solar modules which convert solar radiation into electricity, batteries that can store energy, a charge controller which supplies electricity to the batteries, and a hybrid inverter that supplies the load with power during electricity outages.

This inverter is also capable of supplying energy directly to the load during the day as well as producing excess electricity that can be sold to the grid through net metering. It allows for recharging the batteries from the grid when solar radiation is insufficient.


 Converts solar energy to electricity during the day
 Supplies solar energy directly to load and recharges batteries
 Sells excess electricity to the grid
 Continues to power the load during power failure
 Used in regions where the grid is available but not reliable. Mainly used in residential or telecom projects

Main Components

 Solar modules
 Solar Off-Grid inverter
 Solar charge controller
 Batteries

On-Grid System

Solar On-Grid System is the simplest way to reduce electricity bills. It includes solar modules to convert solar radiation into electricity during the day and an on-grid inverter to supply electricity to the load or sell the excess electricity to the grid through net-metering or feed in tariff schemes.


 Converts solar energy to electricity during the day
 Supplies electricity directly to the load
 Sells excess electricity to the grid

Main Components

 Solar modules
 Solar On-Grid inverter

Off Grid Solar System

The Solar Off-Grid System is completely independent from the grid. It uses solar energy to supply the load with power and to recharge the batteries for backup. An optional generator can be added for emergencies. This system is ideal for remote areas with limited access to the grid.


 Converts solar energy to electricity during the day
 Supplies electricity directly to the load
 Sells excess electricity to the grid

Main Components

 Solar modules
 Solar Off-Grid inverter
 Solar charge controller
 Batteries
 Optional generator for added security



No.9, Taiyanghe West Road, HE County Economic Development Zone, Ma'anshan City, Anhui Province


Anhui jingfei Technology Co.,Ltd., established inSeptember 2020 with the investment of standeenterprise (Group), is a high-end t...


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